Editorial Podcast
Podcasts led by our industry leading content teams represent a unique opportunity as they allow sponsors to reach buyers directly. Our podcast interviews are with industry leaders on topics of trends, business, best practices, industry challenges, and what the future holds.
Deliverables to include:
- Logo inclusion when promoting podcast (up to two eblasts)
- Pre-roll and mid-roll marketing sponsor mention during podcast (15 seconds)
- Logo inclusion on podcast page with link to your brand’s website
Custom Podcast
Your company can work with our industry leading content teams to produce and execute your own authentic and educative podcast to reach EPG Brand Acceleration’s engaged audience.
Deliverables to include:
- Planning/Consultation about the podcast content with the Content Director – maximum of 45 minutes
- Logo inclusion when promoting podcast (up to two eblasts)
- Pre-roll and mid-roll marketing advertisement during podcast (15 seconds)
- Logo inclusion on podcast page with link to your brand’s website
- Review the edited podcast for final approval
- One page ad in issue following the podcast featuring the podcast and links
Ready to Move Forward?
Fill out the form or contact us directly, and we’ll connect with you soon to discuss the next steps.